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Affordable and reliable for a small business who want a professional Customer management system

Recommended for:

  • SMEs



₦1,500/Per User

Whats included:

  • SMART Number
  • Call Sharing
  • Contact Management
  • Audio Marketing

Recommended for:

  • Travel Agencies
  • Startups
  • Online Vendors
  • One Person Business



₦3,000/Per User

Whats included:

  • SMART Number
  • Call Sharing
  • Contact Management
  • Audio Marketing
  • Call Escalation
  • Call Notes
  • Call Records

Recommended for:

  • Travel Agencies
  • Beta Startups
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Tele-communications
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
Frequently Asked Question​

Discover how to integrate our solution with business seamlesly. if you have specific needs or futher clarification, our desigb team is ready to assist.

Tichala receives calls from your SMART Number and shares the calls to all the

available call representatives (Any team member that is available to answer the


  1. We are building the enterprise tools for Small Businesses to win big
  2. We have made it our life’s mission to take the tools big businesses use to win and make it available to small businesses

—— Feel free to join the journey (Sign up) ——

  1. A SCENARIO: Someone calls a normal business line and the customer keeps

getting line busy line (Pam Pam Pam), if you do not answer that customer you

could have lost a potential profit.————

  1. So call sharing is a feature that reduces the amount of missed calls a business

has with the aim of improving customer experience and increasing profits

  1. The is what happens that someone calls your Tichala Smart number and the

calls goes to the people who are available (That is why you have to use a SMART


You pay for what you use:

    1. The SMART number used Monthly
    2. The number of team members you share the calls with Monthly
    3. Outgoing calls made